Friday, August 5, 2011

Traveling Alone

This week I went on my first vacation on my own. I've visited so many places, but each time I've gone it has been with a tour group or with my family. Traveling alone was a whole new experience.

The biggest obstacle I had to overcome was making sure that I was on top of everything. My grandma, the queen of travel, wasn't there to make up an itinerary. My parents weren't there to pay for my hotel and take care of messed up reservations. My friends weren't there to be my comfort zone when I didn't feel like being outgoing. It was forced independence. And it was awesome.

Admittedly my sister was vacationing in New York during the same week I was there, but for the most part I was on my own. It was the first flight I took by myself, my first time riding the subway, alone or not, and the longest I've spent out of the company of people I know in my entire life. It was crazy, but I'm so grateful for the opportunity.

What I've learned
1-The people staying in hostels are usually hardcore hipsters or foreign travelers. They will either ignore you completely or become your best friend immediately. Both are fine. The ones who ignore you are lame and the ones who befriend you can be great connections in the future.
2-Don't look at people on the subway. They look back. Then it gets....awkward.
3-A smile can go a looooong way.
4-Don't be afraid to ask for directions. It's only inconvienencing people if you stop those who are obviously in a hurry or purposely closed off. For most people, rather than being an annoyance, it gives them a simple way to feel like they contributed during the day. Most people will feel better after helping you.
5-The subway really isn't that confusing. Read the map. Duh.
6-Even if you have no idea of what you're supposed to be doing, fake it. Chances are, someone else is more confused than you are and they may even come to you to ask a question. Then you'll have an automatic friend!
7-Be approachable. Sometimes even sales people are entertaining to talk to. If you're really not up to it, then look like you're thinking really hard and don't make eye contact. It's pretty simple.
8-Don't let your natural inner shy person win! When you have the thought that you might as well just stay in, that you won't be missing anything, you're wrong! Get out there and DO stuff! Meet people. Participate. Live.

What are your thoughts about traveling alone? What obstacles have you had to overcome? What is your favorite part?


  1. You are amazing! I don't think I could have done that at your age (or maybe even at my age!). I love all the things you learned. I must try some of your tips on my next trip. I did fly to Italy once on my own. The fact that I made it to the right city was a great confidence booster.

  2. Favorite part? You mean PARTS... When you get as sick of people as I do, you enjoy being able to escape- to finally enjoy the simple pleasures of a quiet, self-dictated life where you answer to nobody but yourself and God, and don't have to look after anyone else but... well, YOU. Sometimes its almost easier to be independent. But in the end, the other beautiful part is returning home and renewing that appreciation for everything you have.
